The cornucopia (from Latin cornu copiae) or horn of plenty is a
symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped
container overflowing with produce, flowers or nuts.
It is almost here & I am excited!
One has to make something grand.
For the table I made a cornucopia - this time I used greenery inside.
You could use anything from fruit, produce, flowers or nuts.
Detailed recipe can be found on the blog here.
This is the cornucopia on the table.
Making the mold...with tinfoil.
Four layers of the tinfoil- you have to layer the pieces.
Store bought pizza dough.
I sprayed the mold with oil just like she said - her instructions are really great.
Braided the end and voila!
As it went in the oven!
I was hoping it will be a success.
This is the table setting with greenery as the centerpiece.
Before the cornucopia came out of the oven.
Another picture of the just greenery.
The smell while it was cooking was divine.
Here is the cornucopia ready for Thanksgiving with the greenery.
The flowered plates were given to me by my good friend SB.
We are ready for Thanksgiving!
Dear readers, send me snap shots if you make the cornucopia.
Her instructions are easy to follow.
I promise you, you will love it.